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The Consigliori since 1987 

We won't charge you but we should

Joshua Macias & Pasquale Scopelliti #DDay

on Tamara Leigh's Trend On Featuring Brent Hamachek Livestream 

June 3 2020

General Flynnn Free w/ Pasquale Scopelliti

on Tamara Leigh's Trend On Featuring Brent Hamachek Livestream 

May 12 2020

Covid-19 Attack on America 

Steel Truth with Ann Vandersteel

April 8, 2020

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Join Pasquale Scopelliti and Ann Vandersteel as they breakdown the Covid-19 psyop as not only biological and economic, but most of all a social attack on America.


Click the video to watch the entire interview. 

The basis of this interview with Ann Vandersteel was based on the Twitter #Coronavirus As Psyop To follow the entire thread join us on Twitter.

#Coronavirus As Psyop

Mark Sutherland, David Sumrall, Pasquale Scopelliti

on Tamara Leigh's Trend On Featuring Brent Hamachek Livestream 

April 22 2020

China and Chernobyl w/ Pasquale Scopelliti

on Tamara Leigh's Trend On Featuring Brent Hamachek Livestream 

March 17 2020

Pasquale Scopelliti #WTO

on Tamara Leigh's Trend On Featuring Brent Hamachek Livestream 

February 11 2020

This week with President Trump acquitted, the State of the Union and also with the
phenomenal debacle of the Iowa caucuses, 
we really are at a pivot point right now.
this is a pivotal and absolutely an
historical moment.  In this episode, find out why Pasquale views this almost
like an inauguration three years later
and why this led him to believe that we finally have a president.

The Pete Santilli Show Episode #1744

E-Militia # MAGA NEWS

January 10, 2020

During the 2016 election season, Pasquale Scopelliti applied his abilities in marketing to political campaigning. His analytic “chops,” sales and negotiation skills, networking ability and personal passion empowered him to rise to the highest levels in service to the Trump team. He was General Flynn's personal political analyst throughout the 2016 campaign .. Website:
Twitter: @thyconsigliori

Gen. Flynn's Case: Analysis by Pasquale Scopelliti 

Steel Truth by Anna Vandersteel

December 18 2019

Pasquale Scopelliti, Author of the MAGA Manifesto and analyst to General Flynn during the Trump 2016 Presidential campaign weighs in on the most recent egregious actions taken by Judge Sullivan's court.

Click the video to watch the entire interview.

Pasquale Scopelliti #MAGA Analysis #PardonFlynnNow

on Tamara Leigh's Trend On Featuring Brent Hamachek Livestream 

December 4 2019

In this episode Pasquale provides some more updates on what is going on with the MAGA and our Pardon Flynn Now movement. Tamara and Pasquale also talked about the endeavor they started to get the momentum going for awareness of the Gen. Flynn case. They also discussed gearing up for the 2020 elections and what needs to be accomplished in terms of a victory or a trump landslide.

Follow Pasquale

Pasquale Scopelliti #MAGA Manifesto

on Tamara Leigh's Trend On Featuring Brent Hamachek Livestream 

March 28 2019

In this episode, Pasquale talks about the book: The Art of War by Sun Tzu and how he transitions to the application of the principle from the book to the work that he is doing.


Pasquale In The National News

May 21, 2018

"Pasquale Scopelliti, a self described business coach in Charlottesville who befriended Flynn during the 2016 campaign, is helping lead an effort on social media to clear Flynn's name.  Flynn wrote the foreword to an e-book, 'The MAGA Manifesto', being self pubilshed by Scopelliti."

Click here to continue reading on the Washington Post.
December 14, 2018

"Several supporters who came together in a private group chat on Twitter plan to rally outside the federal courthouse when he is sentenced, according to one of the organizers, Pasquale Scopelliti. Flynn wrote a foreword to Scopelliti’s self-published book, “America First: The MAGA Manifesto,” earlier this year. He said Flynn was not involved in the rally."

Click here to continue reading on AP News.

December 8, 2018

You'll be seeing thousands and thousands of people using this symbol in their Twitter name: ??????. It stands for three stars, which is what @GenFlynn is, a 3-star General. It means we support him and won't stop until he is cleared. It is the next step of...#ClearFlynnNow

— Pasquale "Pat" Scopelliti?????? (@ThyConsigliori) December 4, 2018
Click here to continue reading on the TIME.

August 2, 2016

Asked about this in the interview, Trump said Ryan's "Opponent is a big fan of what I'm saying -- big fan.  His opponent, who's running a very good campaign obviously, I've heard -- his opponent sent me a very scholarly and well-thought-out letter yesterday, and all I did was say thank you very much for your very nice letter."

Click here to continue reading on the Washington Post.

Follow Pasquale on Twitter

These are his recent posts

Caravan to Midnight 

with John B. Wells featuring Pasquale Scopelliti

October 26 2018

We welcome Pasquale Scopelliti to the show, author of America First: The MAGA Manifesto, with a forward by Lt. Gen (Ret) Mike Flynn. After private life as a business coach and family man, Pasquale first got involved as a volunteer analyst in 2016. Working with the Trump campaign through General Mike Flynn, who read all of his analyses, Pasquale offered the Trump team strategy and direction in over 350 analyses, all read by General Flynn, many of which were implemented by the Trump campaign

America First: The MAGA Manifesto 

The Constitution In The News by David J. Shestokas

August 8 2018

The MAGA Manifesto.jpg

With their book, America First: The MAGA Manifesto, Pat and Kate Scopelliti explain, in very common sense terms what MAGA is all about. Importantly they give the tools to others to explain what it is all about. Just as importantly, for those who do not understand the excitement, or think the movement is a threat to their own aspirations and vision, the Scopellitis point out how the MAGA agenda can benefit every American.

Click the picture to read the entire article.

The Pain & Reward of Activity 

with Aaron Wittensteein and Pasquale Scopelliti 

January 13 2017

Pasquale is a highly experienced advisor and consultant who has worked with some of the world’s most successful businesses and executives since 1993,  after starting a business coaching small business owners in 1987. Pasquale is a self-proclaimed consigliori and he specializes in management and recruitment consulting.

He has also written a book called The Switch, which is available for download on his website. For more information on his work go to

In this episode, Pasquale recalls how he introduced himself to Gen. Michael Flynn through cold-calling

President Donald Trump's reaction to Pasquale Scopelliti's letter

August 2 2016


In reference to the letter Pasquale Scopelliti wrote about why the Trump campaign should commence negotiations with the Nehlen campaign.

From the Washington Post article: Trump refuses to endorse Paul Ryan in GOP primary: 'I'm just not quite there yet' by Phillip Rucker, August 2, 2016

President Donald Trump

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